GoDaddy is migrating our site to a new server (yay?!?!).
The FTP will be out of commission until the change is finalized. Which means I cannot upload any files to the league index.
They got me at the right time, as I had just finished uploading the files through the portal, and then was about to upload the HTML files through the FTP, and I could not connect to the server. I had gotten a chance to grab the line files prior to simming, so everything was working then. 20 minutes later, and the connection was down.
I will get the files up when the server re-establishes a connection. I will also (unless the restoration happens within the next hour or two) cancel simming on Friday and pick up on Sunday. By then everything should be back to normal.
"As long as those gnome elite molecules emerge, we certainly can reduce casualties. Their warplanes troops would be nice."