Bryce --- Can I protest the fine....I only bid on Staios after someone else bid on Doan...then that Doan bid was rejected by the league. I thought I was only leading on 4 when I placed the bid (the Staios bid should still be removed).
Outside of the fines, and my general crankiness. How is everyone finding the web portal UFA period, early into the process? Any hiccups?
You generally will see me monitoring during the day, Eric during teh first few nights, then I'm bacheloring it for a week so I'll be around in evenings more. As you mostly know, Eric is usually the good cop, so I'll be tossing fines around like candy, and he's been instructed to as well.
Buffalo going big with a $8,501,000 / year deal for Recchi... Wow!
It was an imput error as it was my first entry ever. It says Salary offered: and I thought it meant total contract. I did 2 years and thought it was TOTAL. $8,501,000 is actually over my 3 million dollar buffer anyways so I couldn't afford that even if i wanted.
Sorry for the mistake.
"With Sid on your team, anything is possible" - Mario lemieux
This will be my last comment on this matter as it will have the propensity to get out of hand: 1) It is not a withdrawl, it was an illegal bid in the first place as I have not enough room to make the bid. 2) It was a pretty easy mistake to make as we've always done total contract and it doesn't say at the bottom anything about total or yearly when you're making an offer.
Thanks, Luke
"With Sid on your team, anything is possible" - Mario lemieux