12 grand is a good pay out.. I have won a couple of big tourneys as well.. I have an Amateur bracelet as the first amateur poker winner in Canada.. I have to show everyone online somehow. I have also went to the degree poker championships in Niagara Falls where i finished 52nd place out of the 2000 + ppl that went. and then of course our minor home games which i sometimes cash and dont of course. But congrats none the less.
Im Predsgm (a name from a diff hockey pool, since im BuffaloGM here... haha) but I usually play 20+2 shorthanded turbos and a fair amount of qualifiers for 100+8 ticks and some aces tickets. I havent played as much lately as usual since im so busy this summer.
somehow I doubt it, although long term plans I do plan to make a living playing poker. But that's way in the future. Then I'll have more time for FHL, which would mean my Coyotes would dominate your SNHL even more