For the reason I've had hope in Hockey Video games. And why I like NHL 2KX for a few years was the Online Leagues feature. Problem is they rarely took off.
Now, EA Sports, NHL 08 Will have online leagues. Was wondering if anyone here would be interested. For XBOX 360.
Let me know 1) That you're interested 2) What team you will want 3) Your Gamertag
I'll probably be taking Minny. As I consider it a crime not to play with Gaborik.
The game is due to be released middle of Next week. But I wouldn't look to start something like this till 1-2 weeks after it's released.
Lemme know.
"As long as those gnome elite molecules emerge, we certainly can reduce casualties. Their warplanes troops would be nice."
Im interested, but how often do I have to play and what not? How many games is the season? Id maybe be interested but I dunno how often and when I could play? Hows it work?
I got a friend who is probably interested, maybe two of them who share an Xbox and would prob have the time to play. Let me get back to you about them.
When will you have more details? I guess tomorrow? Im prob picking up a copy tomorrow.